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What you’ll get…
You’ve receive both a PDF report alongside a personalised video summary of the health check. Both will be delivered in plain English – avoiding jargon wherever possible, and when it’s necessary, I will always explain / translate it.
Mission Critical
I’ll run mission critical tests on your website, including both security and overall performance, listing any recommended action points, should there be any issues. I’ll also appraise your current hosting set up, recommending alternatives providers or plans where appropriate.
WordPress Set Up & Configuration
I’ll take a good look at the at your WordPress set up. With a huge number of free plugins, many people install and run far too many plugins and fail to keep them up to date, which could have both security and performance implications. I’ll take a look at your theme, your page builder and your general settings and configuration
Design, Usability, SEO & Content
Finally, I’ll make some observations about your site’s overall design and layout. I’ll approach it as a potential visitor / customer and test the user experience. And I’ll point out any SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) howlers and missed content opportunities.
Glad to have him in my corner 🙂